Thursday, September 20, 2012

Olive Branch Petition and Common Sense - 9/20/12


  • The website I used to create the word cloud is called Wordle. You can find it at
  • The Gordon Wood video we watched at the beginning of the class is in the Digital File Cabinet here.
  • Please note we did NOT have time to watch Founding Fathers/Brothers (#6 on the board). We may if we have time in our next class. If not, you can find the entire Founding Fathers, Founding Brothers series on Netflix and iTunes. The clip we were going to watch is specifically from the episode titled "Taking Liberties," and it's a clip about Thomas Paine and Common Sense.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rebels! - 9/18/12

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Unit 1 Exam Themes

  • Explore the relationship between whites and Native Americans in colonial America
  • How did slavery take root in the Southern Colonies?
  • How did religion shape the formation of colonial America?
  • Art, literature, and culture in colonial America
  • Revolt and rebellion
  • Homogeneity vs. heterogeneity