Friday, October 26, 2012

Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil, Hero, Villain?

What an outstanding debate today! You can check out those videos again, plus more Andrew Jackson resources on the website above. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Plans for 10/24/12

Hey APUSHers!

I will be a chaperone on a field trip tomorrow with West Ranch TV. Here's an outline right now of what I have planned for tomorrow:

  • Unit 3 (a few more questions) - I got feedback from a few students after the exam that they studied A LOT for the exam, and felt as though they didn't have an opportunity to demonstrate all they had learned. So you're getting a chance to improve your score tomorrow. You're getting a few more questions. Do your BEST. It can only help your existing Unit 3 Exam score (finishing those right now). It cannot hurt you.
  • The Age of Jackson. You will get an intro to Andrew Jackson, and then read an article on The Age of Jackson and Jacksonian Democracy. Among the questions I need for you to examine are (1) what are we referring to when we speak of "Jacksonian Democracy," and (2) how democratic was this "Democracy"?
  • HW: A focus on "Andrew Jackson: Hero or Villain?"--Begin thinking of what the legacy of Andrew Jackson will be. Should he be remembered as a national hero, as an evil villain, or some combination of the two?

Unit 3 Exam - 10/22/12


Sunday, October 21, 2012

APUSH Live! - 7:00-9:00pm TONIGHT!

Here's where we are meeting:

Come join us starting at 7:00pm, and we're planning to go until 9:00 pm. This should primarily be a student-driven study group.

I highly encourage you to use the DIGITAL FILE CABINET as well for great resources, all the handouts from class, images, videos, and other useful stuff. It's all in the "Unit 3" folder.